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Freestone's Baptism

This was such a special day! Freestone got to be baptized with Jake and Collin (his cousins) on the same day! They are all such good friends and I'm proud of all of them for their decision to be baptized. The Holy Ghost is such a blessing in my life, and I know it will be in theirs too. Since Michelle and Jake are living with us at the moment, I've shared a room with Freestone. It's been great to bond together more. I read scriptures with him almost every night and tried to talk to him about baptism. The conversations weren't always successful with Free's big imagination, talkativeness, and how easily he's distracted. But when he could be serious:), he impressed me with his testimony and knowledge.
The boys each chose their favorite color for the color scheme of the baptism. It ended up being surprisingly coordinated and cute together:) Lime green-Collin, purple-Jake, and bright red-Freestone.
Lexie and Ruby gave talks, Grandma Dopp and Gus gave prayers, the Grandpas were witnesses, Grandpa Dopp conducted, and I played John the Baptist on the flute with Lex, Ruby, and Ari. There was even an adorable slideshow of the boys we watched while they got dressed. Ryan baptized and confirmed Coll and Jake and my dad baptized/confirmed Freestone. It was very spiritual and turned out perfectly. I loved the tissue paper with the theme colors, the balloons, and the beach buckets on the tables. Congrats Freestone, Collin, and Jacob! I hope Freestone remembers this awesome day forever! I love you Free!


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