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I just have so many memories that I want to record and have some pictures to go with. Here are some of them....

When I was in 4th grade, there was The Fourth Grade Program. (notice the caps and italics, this was a big deal people!) Everyone was a part and there was one part a girl could try out for. The Shoe Angel. Yep, she sang a song about shoes. It was a pioneer girl and an original song, so it was pretty cute. All the girls wanted to be her. I auditioned and I wanted it sooo badly. I remember sitting on the floor next to my old friend Amber and waiting for them to announce it. Mrs. Povey said my name! At first it didn't register and I looked at Amber to see if it was really true. It was and I was so excited. To this day I can sing it to you and I still know the Rocks song from 5th grade that helped me though Junior High science.
My 4th grade science project about our guinea pig Max and whether sugar made him run faster
My 5th grade science fair project
Egyptian Day
Halloween 2008
My dad made this for my mom 15 years ago
Little Xanthe Mary Mei. How times have changed

I went on a walk to the school with X, Tolly and Tizz yesterday, and all the things about Samuel Morgan Elementary just flooded back. I loved Elementary. The 50s dance, Egyptian Day, Colonial Day, spraining my arm on the zinger and no one caring, spelling tests, having parties on Holidays, recess, science projects. Those were the days!

For my 7th or 8th birthday we went to see Finding Nemo and get KidsMeals from the food court at the Gateway. I think I got a stuff animal key chain for a prize :) I still remember how excited I was and who came. Lexie, McCall, Amber, Amanda L., and Ruby. And a few others, I'm not quite sure who. That movie still reminds me of that day and now it's coming in 3-D!
This little blip was taken from my mom's blog in 2007
Well, it's 10:47 PM and Scott and I have been exploring decimal multiplication, which is not as fun as it sounds. Golda has been having a little trouble in math lately, and I am no help. When I see a math worksheet, my eyes glaze over, just like they did when I was in 5th grade. Tell me if you had this quandry today: "A can of dog food weighs 0.6 lb. Arthur's dog gets 0.5 can of food for dinner. How much does the dog's dinner weigh?" If you know the answer already, shut up. If you just give the whole can of food to the dog and hope he doesn't get sick, then you are my kind of person. I want to tell Golda that when she is a grown-up, she will have a calculator built into her cell phone, she will not weigh dog food, and she will not go around measuring things with bar graphs. But I can't. I have to stay up late figuring out how to help her feel better about math so she doesn't struggle like I did.

And now as a Sophomore I'm still  having trouble with math.  :)


Ari and Free, 2008

The Siskin's Winter Recital we put together ourselves and did some...funny dances. I still remember the theme song, "light the world this holiday season...."

Babes in Toyland. Still one of my favorite musicals I've been in. For finding out our parts, they had a Christmas tree and wrapped gifts with a paper inside with our character. I was Mary Mary Quite Contrary


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