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They're back! Yay! Dad, mom, Freestone and Tizzy got back from Paris at midnight last night. I was so excited to see them, especially Tizzy, she was so cute and I think happy to see me too. They had an amazing time of course and when I asked Free what he thought of Paris he said "I think the toilets are disgusting." Well, I'm glad you know that now I guess. :)
They brought us presents too; the best part right?:) I got a cute brush that matches my room, 2 shirts, a mini snow-globe from Free, some chocolate pops, a beautiful ornament,and my favorite; a ballet book from the Paris Opera House.
Thanks guys!
We had a good time while they were gone, and thanks all of you who drove, helped, dropped off food, and watched the kids. You helped so much! Thanks!
Even though things went well and mom left us letters and a little gift to open everyday, I was ready for them to be home. I missed them! And I'm glad to have someone else be in charge now:)

We went to a Halloween party with my uncle's family. Grandma and grandpa took us and it was so much fun. Thanks guys and awesome costumes!


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