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The totally awesome adventures of a High School student

On Sunday I went to a viewing for my friend's mother who passed away last week. It was so very sad, but my friend kept a positive attitude and showed me how strong she was. On Monday I missed school because of a cold which I know sounds super wimpy, but I couldn't let it keep going for weeks and weeks like my colds usually do. I also didn't want to be up every 30 seconds getting a tissue during class. So I mostly spent the day taking naps, watching Downton Abbey on my Kindle, blowing my nose, and eating ice cream. Not too bad! On Tuesday I didn't have school because the Juniors were taking the ACT. My mom, Tizzy and Tolly and I went to visit Nana and then went to Barnes and Noble. I got the perfect book there! Bunheads! I've already consumed more than half and must now force myself to savor it and read it slowly. Then we met Nikki and Grandma and dad at Cafe Rio for some seriously delicious sweet pork burrito time. Thanks guys! Then I accompanied Ruby and my dad to Salt Lake for Ruby's guitar lesson. On the way back we stopped at Zuppa's in Farmington. I got Wild mushroom bisque soup and Pina colada chicken salad. Y-U-M! Then today I had school and took Tolly, Xanthe and Freestone to the school. We had an epic adventure! We saw the Tanzimat Tower, crossed the Snowy Swamps, steered the Monte Cristo Ship, went down the Gilgamesh slide, sat on the Bangladesh Bench, and zinged on the Genghis Khan zinger. Do you like how I used a lot of AP vocabulary to name the "quests"? Hahaha, I knew it would come in handy one day :)
All in all my week is going fabulous! How is yours?
 Front Cover


  1. Sorry you we sick. Yuck! You made a great decision in hunkering down and resting for a day. That's a sure fire way to help a cold for me too.

    Love all your adventures with your family!

    Bunheads looks like a neat book! Is is fiction or non-fiction?

  2. Both! It's based on a fictional character but the ballet company she's apart of is real. Plus the author is a retired ballerina so there's lots of truth to it:) I loved it! ~Golda


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