This was one the funnest, short, unexpected trips we've ever had! I'm glad I went since I had to fly home early from the across-the-country trip. The drive was pretty good going up, it was so fun to see Zeljko and Jen and their cute kids. They are seriously adorable. Anders is so big! We had yummy pizza and chocolate cookies and my dad even rode Anders' little dirt bike! Leaving at 4 in the morning was rough, but at least we got there faster. On the way up we stopped at a waterfall that reminded me of what dinosaur-era times would have looked like. The huge canyon filled with turquoise water and the uneven cliffs with little pools and then the big waterfall were so pretty! The fall leaves also added to the scene. Tizzy and I played in them for awhile. She thought when I gathered some and threw them over her that it was the funnest thing ever! We hit the hotel and then Pike's Place. What a fun market! I got a super good falafel and chocolate-covered macaroon. T...