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On the seventh day of Christmas

December gave to me....early out from school!

Davis made their goal of getting $6,500 in 5 minutes during our "Dash for Cash" and earned a 'Christmas Officer Talent Show Assembly'. Otherwise known as 'Go Home After Four Shortened Class Periods.' So we got out at about 11:45 and Emily, Amy, Ruby, Emily M and I went to Fiiz and Bowman's to get stuff for friend gifts. I got some Lindt truffles. We went to Emily's for lunch, then Emily and I went to Farmington Station for a successful holiday shopping trip. Then we went and got her little sisters; Christina and Ellie, and I got Ptolemy and we went to Alexander's Bad Day at Kaysville Theatre. My mom ended up going too and taking Xanthe and Tizzy, who we hadn't had room for in Emily's car. It was such a cute movie!
Then I took Ari and her best friend Ellison to Yogotogo. They're such cute girls. It's funny to hear their Junior High stories/experiences/slang. Oh those good ole' awkward, confusing, embarrassing Junior High days. By 9th grade I had a lot figured out, but 7th grade, I'm not so sure. It's such an awkward transition year from Elementary to High School.

Anyway, all these days of Christmases, Heavenly Father is really giving me all the blessings and good things I've been writing about. I am so blessed to have the life I do. I'm so grateful to Heavenly Father for these amazing blessings. My family is my biggest blessing. They are patient, loving, fun, understanding, talented, hard-working, selfless, creative, funny, and dependable. I love them so much, and it's the greatest knowledge  I have that I can be with them forever.
flibbertygibbit: relief society :: pumpkin party.
I love that Christmas is right before the New Year. It let's us really reflect on the life of Christ and try to act even more Christlike. It's a time when it seems like the whole world is a little more generous and thoughtful. All this is helps refocus on what matters most and helps make Resolutions. Focusing on what matters most is going to be one of mine. A lot is going to happen this year for me; graduation, college, turning in mission papers, some of my friends could get married, a lot of my guy friends will leave on missions, I graduate Young's all happening so fast! I don't have time to worry about insignificant things, especially know. I'm grateful for the eternal, divine perspective I have on life that comes from the gospel. I would feel directionless without it. 
"Look heavenward for that unfailing sense of direction." ~Thomas S. Monson


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