He drove me to flute lessons in Sugar House for years-cheerfully He is not afraid to embarrass me He loves to provide for my family He loves to travel He trusts me He is good at one-on-one time He doesn't complain about going to work He loves Christmas and Christmas shopping He is good with technology He raises, loves and supports seven kids! He loves my mom He's funny He teases He will willingly drive you wherever you want to go If it's important to you, it's important to him He has lots of energy and a big smile when he comes home from work He brings me lunch at school sometimes He is good at fashion His favorite book is Les Mis He graduated Law School He makes birthdays really special He has a good relationship with his in-laws His closet is really organized He served a mission We had a secret handshake when I was little He wants me to go on a mission He goes to church He is really nice and thoughtful to his parents He made up an outrage...