I am a daughter of God. My Father in Heaven has loved me since the creation of the world and is present in my life in a very personal, merciful, patient way. My Heavenly Father knows and loves me. He has sent me to the Earth to grow and become like Him. Because of His Son, Jesus Christ, I can become like Him. Jesus Christ is my Savior, Redeemer, Friend, Brother, Comforter, and Hope. I have complete faith in Jesus Christ's atoning sacrifice, which makes change, joy, and eternal life possible. I know that God's commandments are not a list of random restrictions, but a continuation of the way we lived in heaven, and the only way to find true happiness and live up to our divine potential. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, called by Him to restore the doctrine that Christ himself taught during his mortal ministry. Just like Moses, Abraham, and Elijah are prophets in the Bible, Joseph Smith was another servant of God who restored truths that complete the gospel of Jesus Christ and allow us a fuller appreciation for and understanding of Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father, and our own divine potential. I know that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. That it is an ancient text, written by prophets of God, and that its purpose is to bring people to Christ. Its messages are clear, filled with love, and complimentary to the Bible. I know that families can be together forever and that temples are a place of worship and learning. Temples are where we can make sacred promises to our Heavenly Father for the purpose of developing Christ-like attributes, and learning about the character of God and His will for us.
My testimony is rooted in the knowledge of my Savior and Heavenly Father's love. I see tender mercies from them every day. They know my name and care about me. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true.
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