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Youth Conference 2011

Youth Conference was August 3-5. We went to Huntsville and slept in tents behind Brother and Sister McKay's home. The theme was Celestial Warriors and the scripture was 1 Chronicles 19:13   Let us be of good courage and behave oursleves valiantly for our people and for the cities of our God; And let the Lord do that which is good in his sight.  It was so much fun! I was on the youth committee so I helped with some of the games. Some of the young men had gone up the day before to set up their tents and ours, which was so nice because I would have had no idea how to do it. When we got there we unloaded our stuff and played a game. You throw a beach ball covered with questions like "What's your favorite song?'' and when you catch it you answer the question your right pointer finger landed on. Then we played the Medieval Quest/Relay Race. My good freind Alyssa and I were in charge of it. She made shields, helmets and breast plates out of card board and they looked amazing! We split up into teams and thought of a team name and decorated team flags. My team was The Army of Heleman. Some of the obstacles were finishing a puzzle, blowing up a balloon and trying to walk on a straight line after spinning around 10 times all while wearing the armor. It was really fun, Alyssa did a great job and it was fun to plan.
My favorite part was boating the second day. We went to Pineview and swam, played games and went tubing. Someone in our ward brought their boat and we sat in the tube behind it while they pulled us. 2 people went in the tube and 2 people stayed in the boat and then we switched after the first peoples turn. I went on it with my friend Evyn and then Eia and Alyssa went too. It was so much fun, we were all laughing the whole time.
There was a little zip line thing right by our tent and after the boys made me go on it, I thought it was really fun and went lots more times. The scariest part was the rickety latter that had been there for over 10 years.
Brother Quinn McKay gave a talk for us. He is related to David O. McKay somehow. His talk was really good and he let us look at some books he received from prophets. There have been 16 latter-day prophets and he has been good friends with 9 of them! How cool is that?!
Our service project was painting a fence that belonged to the McKay's. The girls did hand prints on each others' clothes, but we found out that the paint doesn't come off easily!
I also really liked acting out Lehi's dream. Josh was Lehi and he was hilarious! I'll never be able to read Lehi's dream without thinking of him wearing a towel on his head saying "It's good fruit!" I was one of the people that strayed off the path and joined the unrighteous people in the spacious building! We also did a skit where you have to use all these random props from a bag and relate it to a word in the scripture.
 My other favorite part was testimony meeting. It wasn't as good as it was as Girl's Camp, a lot of the girls were too scared to bare their testimony because the boys were there and vice versa. I finally got brave enough to at the end, and I'm so glad I did. It started to rain and lightning and thundering, so we roasted marsh mellows for breakfast the next day. The food up their was so good! A lot of people came up to prepare it or let us use their trailer with a fridge and stoves! My least favorite part was floating down the Weber River. Let's just say I fell off like 5 times, got some bruises and scratches and almost went past where we were supposed to get off. I guess it's not my thing, I wish it was and that it was fun, but it's just not and that's okay. I'm so thankful for the youth committee and the leaders and food committee for making the camp so amazing! Thank you!


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