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Girls Camp 2011

 Stake Camp~Heber Valley ~Reeder~July11-15~'Return to Sender'

That's all the information. I love the theme, Return to Sender. It was about returning to Heavenly Father and there was a mail theme throughout the camp. Each ward made a mailbox and you could write a letter to your friend in another ward or in the same ward and put it in the mailbox. The Y.C.L.s brought the mail in every night, it was one of my favorite parts was getting letters every night. We also did a Challenge course where you climbed up a high wooden pole, walked across a tight rope thing with rope handles to balance you, then zip lined down. It wasn't as scary as last years course, but it was still a challenge! Each ward also had a word in the 12th Article of Faith. Our ward was LOVELY. In our skit we did a Lovely Pageant. Beehives made evening gowns made of garbage bags and Laurels answered questions about camp and such. Mia Maids did a water thing where 2 people held up a blue tarp and we pretended to swim behind it. It was fun. We also did a Faith Walk. The Mia Maids was about burdens. At the beginning we got a pillow case. We walked along a trail until we got to a leader who gave us a real life situation or burden, then dropped a rock in our pillow case. By the end the case was pretty heavy and we saw our bishop at the end. He helped us carry it to the very end. He told us he could help us with our burdens but couldn't take them away. We got to a cut out of Jesus Christ and put our rocks/burdens at his feet.
The food was delicious and there were some cute crafts to keep us busy in between spiritual devotionals, activities, etc. We also went canoeing on a really pretty lake. I was in a canoe with Eia and Alyssa. There was a long hike where we walked up a mountain peak and then back down. One girl re-injured her ankle so everyone helped her finish the hike safely. The cabins were so nice and we decorated it with white Christmas lights and big tissue paper flowers. My favorite part about camp was Testimony Meeting. Everyone was crying and the spirit was so strong. Everyone said how much their faith increased and how much their testimony had grown. There was no drama and unkindness in our ward. Everyone was so nice, loving and helpful. We are all such great friends. I'm so thankful for all the leaders and everyone that  made this camp so amazing. I already have such fond memories, and such a stronger testimony! Thanks!


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