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Once upon a time, there was a magical kingdom filled with darkness. Ever since the sapphire dragon came to the kingdom and took the amber gem that lit the large village, light could not penetrate the black mist that covered everything.
The King tried to find noble knights that would search out the dragon and destroy it, but none came back alive. The queen tried all sorts of spells, even hired fairies to come and when even they failed, the people lost hope. They used candles, lanterns and wands, which only lit the few inches of darkness around them. Torches made it possible for walking around in the day time. No one ever tried to get around in the night, the darkness clung to heavily on the earth.
The princess in this kingdom was very beautiful and smart. Her name was Sephora Grace. She had black hair with a tint of red, almost purple eyes and fair, smooth skin. One day, after her beloved knight, Sir Canticle was found dead in a cave, she decided she would join the quest. After all, she thought, If I die I won't miss him anymore. If I do kill the dragon, I'll live in peace. And she set off.
She met trolls, giants and ruffians. She had to kill 3 other dragons before she found the sapphire one, and when she did it took all her courage not to run from it.
The gleaming blue dragon opened its mouth to reveal hundreds of sharp teeth. Scarlet blood stained his tongue and his claws were ragged and pointy. He stood over a golden, bright stone as big as the dragon's head. Sephora Grace looked longingly at it, remembering the happiness it brought the kingdom before it was stolen.
She tightened her grip on the heavy, brass sword and took a quivering breath. She reached into her silver robes and pulled out a sparkling ruby. She threw it as hard as she could into the cold air. It almost touched the icicles hanging from the ceiling of the cave.
The dragon lunged for it and flew upward. He caught it in his mouth, just as Sephora Grace ran and picked up the amber gem. As the dragon turned to rest again on his precious stone, he caught sight of the princess. He roared and the ground shook. For a moment Sephora Grace feared he would spit fire, then remembered only summer dragons did that, this was a winter one.
She heard the rain pelting the ground and thunder shaking the sky. She sprinted to the mouth of the cave. Freezing drops of rain pounded on her head and drenched her quickly. The dragon followed her as she hoped it would and spread its huge wings out. Its wings were strong and built for such weather as this.
Sephora Grace ran to the tallest pine tree that was in sight. The dragon followed her and landed on the tree.
Forxez, Qwenter, Thundera! She repeated twice.
A glittering bolt of lightning shot out from the ashen clouds and hit the tree with a deafening crack and bright burst of silver light. The dragon fell heavily downward, leaving streaks of black blood. The ground shook and the wet grass turned ebony. Its crimson eyes closed for the last time.

Sephora Grace was welcomed back to the kingdom as a hero. The land was lit once again with the warm, shining amber and everyone was blissfully happy. They all lived happily ever after.


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