Random informal book review about Mao's Last Dancer Unlike Mr. Thompson, I love and am interested in ballet. I have about 8 hours of dance a week so how could I not? I wish I did about 18 hours, but I have school and stuff :( Anyways, I loved this book. I think I read the condensed teen version, which I suggest more than the full, at least for my age. It is about a poor boy from China who becomes a world famous ballet dancer. That's the whole book, in one sentence. It is from the point of view of one person, my favorite kind of writing. (I think it's call 1 person limited) and his personality comes out strong through the book. He is tough, hard working, brave, smart, kind and determined. Even if you don't like ballet, you'd like this book. All you need to know is that a pirouette is a turn on one leg! I thought it was interesting and inspiring, highly recommend it!