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Notre Dame
The organ pipes are so big and the sound coming from them is even bigger! All the complicated notes echoed in the high ceilings and around the Gothic stained glass windows. The choir voices were high and clear rang strong and angelic. It was such a neat experience!
 Eiffel Tower
Being on the top of the Eiffel Tower was so high and a little bit scary, but so amazing! The dirty turquoise river flowed below and the old castles and cathedrals almost glowed in the sunlight. The ivory exterior and golden dome of Sacre Couer sparkled on its hill and the iconic buildings in the heart of France took my breath away.
French Bridges
Standing on an intricate bridge from so many years ago, you see lazy water rippling underneath you and a huge clock counting down the minutes you get to spend in this magical place. Black street lamps emit yellow light and the stars are almost lost in the velvet expanse of shadowy sky.
Opera House
The huge curtain made of royal crimson fabric lifts have way to reveal more red curtains trimmed with tons of gold. Balconies are detailed and adorned with sculpting of flowers, ancient designs and statues. Hundreds of seats face the stage and you can almost hear the absent audience clapping violently while the beautiful dancers take one last bow. The whole company gracefully runs offstage to the sound of their pointe shoes brushing the wood floor.
The Louvre
Walking into the building a glass pyramid suspends from the ceiling. You can see the front of the detailed ancient castle through the modern architecture of the pyramid. Traveling through hundreds of rooms, painting from previous centuries hang on the walls.


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