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I asked my two-year-old brother what to write about and he said, "Monstow!" (monster) So here it is...
The 'thing' bared it's rough, jagged teeth. Scarlet liquid oozed down it's chin and dropped heavily on the perfectly white carpet. It's eyes were as large as a tangerines and stared into my soul with an eerie fuchsia gleam. His skin was thin and torn, almost see-through. Underneath the film of skin was grungy green blood that had unnatural spidery veins. He made a horrible, long shriek that made my brain rattle. The sound was piercing and left spasms of pain against my ear drums as it became too high to fully hear. It crept forward, it's elbows coming first, then it's knees. He threw his small head back and grinned a grin so humanistic I shook with fear. All of a sudden it leaped at me in one, strong bound. It grabbed my neck, pulled me close up to his face and closed his jaw on my throat. Burning needles stabbed my veins and cold blood drizzled miserably down my colarbone. My vision went blurry, edged with cloudy green and crimson. I felt my heart beat fast, then start to slow. Each pulse pulling more pain into my body. My brain couldn't process all the waves of discomfort at one time. I struggled for breath. Maybe the monster is still squeezing my throat, I thought. Then I saw it's black fingernails digging into my friend's heart as she thrashed 7 feet away from me. I quiveringly took my last breath...


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