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The Power of Six by Pittacus Lore, year released 2011.
The Power of Six is 406 pages on nonstop mystery and adventure. The intended audience for this book is young adult, mostly geared toward teens. This book addresses the struggle to defeat the Mogadorians by the remaining Lorien numbers.
The book is from the point of view of two different characters, so there are two settings. One is Santa Teresa, Spain. The other is various states, mostly Southern, in the United States. The main girl, Marina lives in a small orphanage in Spain. Since her setting offers her so much protection and coverage from Mogadoriens, her story couldn't take place in different setting. John is the other main character, he doesn't have a set home, he is mostly in a car for the whole book. The way he and his friends stay hidden, is by moving around so much, so his setting is important to the story.
Marina is a quiet girl who is really from another planet, sent here for a purpose; to kill Mogadoriens and keep the Lorien race alive. Her best friend is Ella, a cute little girl who is later revealed as a Lorien survivor too. Hector is Marina's misunderstood friend who has a drinking problem and dies trying to protect Marina. John is a teenage boy who's guardian was recently murdered, who is always escaped aliens, or the FBI. Maren Elizabeth, mostly called Seven, is Number Seven and slowly becomes John's love interest. Sam is a human who's father was abducted by the Mogadoriens. He is John's best friend and is in love with Seven. The bad guys are rather vague in the story because they are a whole race.
Marina's guardian was taken in by Nuns when they used all their Earth money and had no where to go. Marina's guardian's name is Adelina and has to be convinced to help Marina train to survive. She started not believing in Lorien, but the arrival of Mogadoriens forces her to help Marina. John meanwhile is on the run from aliens and is convicted of being a Terrorist. With Sam and Seven they escape many near death experiences and John comes to learn all his Legacies.
Marina is always searching for other Numbers, so they can come together to finally defeat the Mogadoriens. After she discovered by the Mogs another Number finds her and lights a symbol that the other numbers will recognize and hopefully come to. Seven goes to Spain to help Marina, and Sam and John stay in the US to sneak into the Mogs' lair. Sam and John help Number 9 escape, but Sam is lost in the chaos on the way out. Near the end of the book John is trying to save Sam and Seven has just defeated an army of Mogs with the help of Marina and Ella.
I liked the adventure and twists in the book. I liked the character Seven because she was so wise and strong. “When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope.” She said when they were going into battle. She always helped Sam and John keep going and not lose hope. She also said, “It's the little mistakes that lead to big mistakes.” She helped them all stay focused and led them to survival. I liked that the author portrayed a female as the strongest character.
I didn't like some of the language, like the line, “And even if we were hunting vampires, what the hell is the Silly Putty for?” Some of the romantic scenes were cheesy and cliche. John tells his girlfriend, “I'll come back to you," I say, "If it's the last thing I do, I'll come back to you.” Please!
One theme of the book is The underdog sometimes comes out to be the hero. Ella was just a seven-year-old girl but she ends up being an alien who can change ages and kills Mogs with Marina.
I recommend this book to anyone that likes adventure with a bit of romance. I liked that one of the settings was not in the US. I actually learned a lot about Spain and the Catholic religion.


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