Sunday Nov 18
For a moment I want you to think
about a certain woman in your life that sparkles.
Now I’m not talking about who wears the shiniest clothes or the most
shimmery lip-gloss. It’s the joy and kindness that radiates from them to give them
that sparkle. When you meet someone like this it’s hard to determine what gave
them that sparkle. I think a lot of things add to their sparkle and the first,
most impressionable is that they have the light of Christ in their countenance.
When they know Christ lives and
they have a real relationship with Him, they will want to follow him. They will
want everything they do to be Christ-like. They have felt the peace, love and
spirit Christ can bring into their lives and they welcome it into theirs. It’s
kind of like the book, If You Give A Mouse a Cookie that we heard when we were
little. If you give a mouse a cookie, he’s going to ask you for a glass of
milk. Likewise, if you feel the Savior’s love, you’re going to want to follow
Him. When you follow Him, you’ll be happy. When you’re happy, it will show in
your countenance and you’ll want everyone else to feel it too.
Other things add to their unique
sparkle, and remember that no one’s sparkle is the same. Christ will be
reflected in all of them, but we are all different mirrors. Confidence, talents,
knowledge, values, experience, personality and testimony all add to the sparkle.
These things come over time and as we grow older we can add more and more just
like I literally did when I added about 16 layers of red sparkle to my reindeer
in 2nd grade. I skimped out on glue because the glitter was much
more exciting, so when I held it up 90% of the glitter fell onto the carpet. We
need to continue seeking more praiseworthy things that can add to our happiness
but constantly remember to do the other things, like I should have with the
Don’t let anyone dim your sparkle.
Only seek the acceptance of Heavenly Father. As you stay on the path and listen
to the Holy Ghost you will be happy and won’t care what others may think. If
they do contradict what you know is true you will have the courage and strength
to stand for what you believe.
On Thursday at a Nutcracker
performance one of my friends fell onstage. She fell hard and was so
embarrassed and bruised. But she got up and finished the dance with a smile on
her face. Someday the show will end but while the curtain is still up and the
music keeps playing, we need to keep going and have faith that it will work
out. My friend didn’t let this dim her sparkle, and she had all her friends and
family to comfort her off stage. We will always have someone to understand us
and help us, but we must endure and keep sparkling.
Also, like I noticed with a
Christmas ornament on our tree, (Yes we put up Christmas before Thanksgiving,
get over itJ) nothing
can sparkle without light. Until we turned on the lights or flicked the switch
to make the lights bright, the ornaments just hung there. When there was light
and some bulbs shone directly on one, they were beautiful and sparkled and
shone too. This takes us back to the Light of Christ. Jesus Christ is the Light
of the World. If He is at the center of our lives, we will be able to shine and
sparkle. We will have his Light in our own countenance and reflect that to
other people. No one will be able to dim this sparkle because it becomes a part
of us. It shows in our countenance, actions, and testimony. I have noticed this
sparkle in all of you, especially testimony meetings at Trek and Girls Camp. I
know that Heavenly Father wants us to follow His son and continue on the path
that will lead us to eternal life. I am so thankful for the Atonement and for
Personal Progress and I know that they help us become more like Christ. I am so
thankful for my testimony. No one can take your testimony away and no one can
dim your sparkle. I want to close with a quote from Elaine S. Dalton….“Young
women, look into the mirror of eternity. Remember who you are! See yourself as
our Heavenly Father sees you. Develop deep beauty. There is no more beautiful
sight than a young woman who glows with the light of the Spirit, who is
confident and courageous because she is virtuous.” In the name of Jesus Christ,
Beautiful talk Golda! You have an amazing testimony. I'm so proud of you for the way you've grown in the gospel over the years. When you stay close to your Savior and Heavenly Father, you will be a force for good throughout your life. What a wonderful opportunity that will be. Love ya!