Madamania nut cookie from Oakridge. Looks good right? Well it was, but it had freezer burn. So my mom took it back and we got a chocolatechip instead. We'll have to try again... :)
My friend got a bunch of dresses from her graduated friend so we went over to her house to try them on just for fun. Thanks Manda!
My bruise from Dance Company. Just one of many. They look so wimpy in pictures!
I took X and Tolly to the school to play and eat a special Milano cookie. Tolly is standing on DC and X is near SLC. It represents our summer!
I craved David's in Europe so this made me verrrry happy!
While I had a few days by myself at home, I made my dad a book of our NY trip. He loved the trip so much when he got home he did the ugly cry. My mom also did the ugly cry when telling the kids about the pioneers on their epic road trip. Tizzy was in the car with her and is into imitating lately, so she imitated my mom and said "Meep meep meep" So now whenever something is sad or we think of dad crying that's our inside joke. meep meep meep!
Shopping for school supplies with dad. I love this owl folder!
Dance Company workshop with the hilarious Caine! He loved my name! "Go-wull-dah!"
Tori taught me how to do ugly faces and I fake snapchatted her with a bunch of 'em
On Saturday we had the pool basically all to ourselves. Josh and Emily, Trajan, and Coco and Bill came too. It was so refreshing and pretty! It was getting stormy but we stayed, and then suddenly it started raining hard and fast! I just wanted to jump right back in but since there was lightning we were kinda kicked out for safety reasons.
Some more lovely pictures I sent to Tori
My friend got a bunch of dresses from her graduated friend so we went over to her house to try them on just for fun. Thanks Manda!
My bruise from Dance Company. Just one of many. They look so wimpy in pictures!
I took X and Tolly to the school to play and eat a special Milano cookie. Tolly is standing on DC and X is near SLC. It represents our summer!
I craved David's in Europe so this made me verrrry happy!
While I had a few days by myself at home, I made my dad a book of our NY trip. He loved the trip so much when he got home he did the ugly cry. My mom also did the ugly cry when telling the kids about the pioneers on their epic road trip. Tizzy was in the car with her and is into imitating lately, so she imitated my mom and said "Meep meep meep" So now whenever something is sad or we think of dad crying that's our inside joke. meep meep meep!
Shopping for school supplies with dad. I love this owl folder!
Dance Company workshop with the hilarious Caine! He loved my name! "Go-wull-dah!"
Tori taught me how to do ugly faces and I fake snapchatted her with a bunch of 'em
On Saturday we had the pool basically all to ourselves. Josh and Emily, Trajan, and Coco and Bill came too. It was so refreshing and pretty! It was getting stormy but we stayed, and then suddenly it started raining hard and fast! I just wanted to jump right back in but since there was lightning we were kinda kicked out for safety reasons.
Some more lovely pictures I sent to Tori
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