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Girls Camp this year was amazing. We got home today and I'm sad it's over! But next week I have a Dance Company photo-shoot and some workshops that I'm simply so excited about! They always do an amazingly fun job:)
Anyway, this year I was a YCL and in charge of Devotionals. I felt bad that I couldn't fully participate in planning since I was in Europe, but it was super fun and it all worked out. Our leader or woman in charge was Julie Karren. She is one of the most amazing people I know. She has breast cancer but did not let that get in the way of planning and attending Girls Camp as if she were Super Woman. Which she is. She gave an amazing devotional that brought the spirit so strongly. She has taken this trial and turned it into a blessing, a challenge, and something that won't stop her. I admire and love her so much!
Sister Richards also helped plan the Camp. She made adorable temple-shaped sugar cookies that we ate on the way up to Payson when we stopped to see the construction of the Payson temple. It's so beautiful and nearly complete!
The camp site was gorgeous with lots of aspen trees (which I love) and hills and grassy fields.
 My neighbor, Kenzie was the youth girl in charge of Camp and she did an amazing job pulling everything off. The leaders helped a ton but they do their best to let the youth really lead.
I love the young women in my ward with all my heart. We all get along so well and they're like sisters to me. Every single one has increased my testimony in some way. Same with the leaders.
I rappelled for the first time too! It was scary at the top, having enough faith and trust to lean back and keep your hands on the rope at all times. You feel like you're going to fall into the thin air separating you and the far-off ground below! I also did some archery. I hit the target once. But it was fun! ;)
Kayaking was super fun and we saw a momma moose! We got really close since she was getting a drink in the lake. We named her Muffin Payson ;)
We also did a hike that sounded so easy but that ended up being longer than we anticipated. And we got kind of lost. I loved it though!
Skits were hilarious. We had awesome costumes and props and funny leaders.
Testimony meeting was of course my favorite part. Lots of crying, laughing, sharing, hugging, feeling the spirit. There is a comforting and strong sense of belonging and friendship and understanding that you only feel up in the mountains at camp. So sad some of my friends are done with camp! We're growing up and I'm not quite ready!

 Alyssa was quite excited about the butterfly that landed on her hand!

 The girls in my tent were a hoot

 My journal. Front n Back

 Ruby repelling

 Tori and I might have carved stuff into the trees with her pocket knife
 And now all the funny pictures of Tori

Ya. I'm so glad she's one of my best friends.

The YCLs!!!


  1. What a fun camp! I'm so glad you were able to go. Great pics. We're so lucky to be surrounded by all these amazing girls and leaders, huh?

  2. So glad it was another good girl's camp! Brittany rappelled for the first time and described it just the same way. I love that you girls get to tackle hard things!

  3. I love that I have had most of your same leaders. Such fun ladies. What a great summer.


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