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Nutcracker 2013

I can't believe it's here already! This week has flown by in a swirl of homework, makeup, leotards and laughing. Being two parts this year was incredibly fun, especially since I finally got to be in party scene! And with Freestone no less! He's an adorable party boy and being onstage with him is a blast. Ruby and Ari not being in it did put a damper on things but they were so gracious and there's always next year. My friends are seriously the most nice girls I know. They are always classy, caring and righteous. I am so thankful for them. We had a Nutcracker kick off lunch at my house yesterday and they each said thanks about ten times. I love being around them!
Opening night was very good, except for my mess up in Waltz. We do a repeated combination in a snaking fashion across the stage and I have to turn the corner on a hard step. This time I was so ready but then we traveled faster and I had to turn the corner on arabesque which I was too early for. Oh well.
I helped my mom's Chinese class and those dancers did so darn well! They were bobbing their heads, smiling and jumping just like we talked about. I was so proud of them.
Clytie Su cut her leg open with some tools that were at her house because they're finishing their bathroom. She really wanted to push through and perform her 3 parts, but with 34 stitches, it just wasn't happening. Girls covered for her and a graduated Clytie Girl, Kindi, took her place in Reed Flute. They had a weekend to learn and perfect the dance! Allison DeBona also got injured and had to be replaced by the girl who did Snow Queen last year. I was a little bummed because I love Allison, but at least we have Christopher Ruud and Elizabeth McGrath
Even with that and the big windstorm, the show went on! Standing on stage hearing the scary winds thrashing against the roof of the auditorium, I felt safe. Those winds and the winds of life can't keep you from what you love. It's been hard to accept that there's always many, many, many people that are better than you but you don't have to be the best to learn, grow, enjoy and love it. I will never be the soloist for Ballet West but I have knowledge, friends, discipline, talent and respect from ballet. And something I can share.
I remember looking up to the older dancers when I was little and thinking how amazing and beautiful and nice they were. I hope I can be like that to the younger dancers now. Because whether you influence a couple girls from your community or perform on the Moscow ballet stage, it makes a difference and it does what ballet is meant to do. To uplift and motivate and inspire.


  1. I loved your thoughts about ballet and your experience. You were all beautiful. Thank you for sharing your talents with all of us. Love ya!


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