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Halloween Dance

Last night was Davis' Halloween Dance and it was so fun!! We dressed up like hippies and rocked it. Thanks Whites for the costume! My date wore a black long wig that was so funny! When I came to the door to pick him up, he came out and said "If this scares you I can totally take it off", pointing to the wig. hahaha!
Our group had 6 couples and 3 of them were dressed as undercover superheroes and 3 were hippies. I'm glad we just went with the costume we all wanted to do/was easy :)
We also got our Nutcracker sweats and pictures yesterday! I love them!!

Emily's costume was classic! Last minute DI find with her mom a few hours earlier. Her shoes were pretty great. Putrid orange flowered stilettos for 3 bucks. She looked adorable. Like seriously who else could pull off those flowing red pants?
We went to Alyssa's house to carve pumpkins and take group and couple pictures. We decided to carve the classic jack-o-lantern face instead of attempting something too creative :) Emily and Zach Calder carved a mean peace sign though

After pumpkin carving we went to Sarah's for dinner. It was amazing! Her mom had gone all out. Halloween decor, lots of yummy food, goodie bags, rootbeer with dry ice, the whole 9 yards. We had baked potatoes, ribs, salad, and mint brownies. She even had her little sister and her friend serving us, wearing matching witch costumes. They were too cute
Then finally, we made it to the dance. It was so fun seeing everyone's costumes. There were quite a few more hippies, but we were definitely the hippest ones :) And Zach wins the best dancer award. He was great. The dance was so much fun. I still can't believe sweaty teenagers dressed up in crazy costumes dancing awkwardly in a lunchroom is so fun.

After the dance we went to my house for a caramel apple bar and a showing of Watcher in the Woods.
Me & Zach, Sarah & Seth, Zach C & Emily, Connor & Mallory, Alyssa & Caton

watcher in the woods - Google Search
We couldn't get over Jan's hair. The bad 80s hair somewhat lessened the scariness, thankfully ;)
Hey and that blue mascara I accidentally bought finally came in handy! It really complimented the purple in the headband ;)

Thanks for being an amazing date Zach!
Happy Halloween everyone

PS These pictures are so funny.

I didn't even mean to look stoned in this picture. Don't worry I did not go fully hippie at the dance ;) And I'm doing a peace sign...not flipping anyone off


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