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I am a Mormon

"The Heavens will NOT Be filled with those who never made mistakes." Dieter F. Uchtdorf #quotes #spiritual
I saw Meet The Mormons on Friday with some good friends and I loved it!!
It was inspiring and eye-opening to hear and see stories from people of different cultures, ethnic backgrounds and interests that also believe what I do. Everyone is so different and unique, especially in the church. God's kingdom needs every kind of talent and person. I'm thankful that the missionaries are sharing the gospel with every kind of people so that we can all be unified as children of God, all aware of the truth, and all part of building up the kingdom of God. He needs everyone. He wants everyone to come back to Him. He yearns for us all to feel of his love and respect one another.
The movie had a pilot and hero, a humanitarian and leader, a convert and mother, a boxer and teacher, a bishop and father. They were all amazing examples of accepting others (including their faiths, cultures and differences), of serving their fellow men, and of living their standards fully. I'm so thankful to be a Mormon!
there have been more "rain" then we have wanted for years now. But Heavenly Father will bring us rest. We have kept our commandments he has asked us to. It doesn't and won't ever matter what another imperfect person says about  me or my family. He knows me and at the end of the day that's all that matters.

I'm so thankful for modern day revelation. General Conference this past week was amazing. I know that Thomas S. Monson is a modern day prophet. Heavenly Father speaks through him in order to bless our lives, give us specific guidance for these times, and to direct the church in fulfilling God and Christ's purpose; to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. By following the commandments we will receive eternal life with our merciful, loving father and with our families forever. God's greatest desire for us is to love his fellow children, live up to our divine potential and reach godhood. He's given us everything needful in this difficult but important quest. We don't have all the answers now, but he's given us a clearly marked path to something celestially glorious down the road. Even with our mistakes and questions, with prayer we can figure out the way back home. The way back is straight and narrow, he won't lead us astray. We might be in the dark, but he'll illuminate the way before us, shining light on what we need to see at the exact time we need it. Faith in Christ and Heavenly Father will bring us true joy, bring to pass miracles, change hearts, strengthen testimonies, shed light and ease burdens. I'm so thankful for this gospel. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


  1. Beautiful, Golda! I love your testimony.

  2. I enjoy reading your blog. It is kind of out here on the edge of blogger space. By that I mean that a lot of people look for large numbers of comments and likes, etc. But you don't seem concerned with that. Me neither.

    Anyways. Do you have to go on Mission? I am not a Mormon but I have had Mormons friends. I don't really remember much about the going on Mission rules.


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