- Les Miserables
- Don Quixote
- The Grapes of Wrath
- Macbeth
Frankenstein- Gone with the Wind
Great Gatsby- The Catcher in the Rye
- Ulysses
Great Expectations- Anna Karenina
- Life of Pi
Heart of DarknessHamletThe Count of Monte Cristo- Slaughterhouse-Five
Things Fall ApartTo Kill A MockingbirdThe Help- The Secret Garden
Mao's Last Dancer- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- Moby Dick
Senior year is almost three-fourths over. And I know fourth term is just going to fly by! Moonlight, Spring Concert, Prom, AP tests, college enrollments, Graduation! Speaking of college... I got a housing scholarship to UVU!!!! I am so excited and very surprised. I wasn't really expecting it, and when I refreshed my email on my phone, walking back into Dance Company, I jumped for joy!! The scholarship covers 2/3 of the cost for room. I also have a full tuition scholarship. There are 400 students out of the total 30,000 in the Honors program, 150 are Freshman and 36 Freshman get the housing scholarship. So fees, books, about $200 per month for the apartment and food is all I need to pay. Hopefully, the Regents Scholarship will work out and cover most of that stuff! I'm so humbled, grateful, and excited to be starting this new chapter. I think, deep down I've wanted to go to UVU since my first workshop there. Now this kind of gives me the assertion that it's the right...
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