So... Amy, Em, Ruby, Emily and I decided that throwing cupcakes at a garage (We threw a cupcake party...literally) would be a good way to celebrate school nearing the end (this was after Soire, a few weeks ago) and get out some pent up anger/tiredness/exasperation. It was a smashing success (pun intended ;))
It was so fun. I threw to Dateless Davis, and my math class from last semester (which Em and I both got As in-HALLELUJAH
Also, on Monday, we had a mini color fest at DHS and I got soooooo dirty and colorful. So that's that. Don't you love the randomness of Senior year? :)
Love the random fun of senior year! We TP'd a friend's house....and then got pulled over by the police when we were going back in the wee hours the next morning to check out our creation I was petrified as I was driving a borrowed car!!! Ended up being an expired license plate sticker but I still remember my heart racing as I saw the flashing lights in my mirror! This Canadian teen visiting TX and getting pulled over !