Right before I left, we had a little Bon Voyage, Birthday going away party. My closest friends came and we just enjoyed taking, eating and basically reminiscing and saying goodbye as most of us just graduated and going on missions or college. It was such a nice night and I loved having them all together. I'm so mad and sad I didn't get a picture!!!!! But just take my word for it, they're the best, more genuine, nice group of teenagers you could find. I'm so proud of the boys for going on missions and for the girls headed to college, especially since I saw first hand the amount of work and dedication it took to get them where they are. BYU, U of U, Weber, USU and UVU are very lucky to be getting these friends of mine. Not to mention all the places worldwide that are gaining my friends as amazing missionaries. Saying good bye was so hard, but luckily the next day I was off to Europe and had quite the experience to keep my mind off it. But still, when I texted my friend Ev...