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genevieve took these and im uploading them really fast we leave for spain tuesday and have loved and will miss france sorry no punctuation these keyboards are diffferent

 la grange du mas, the laveisierres chalet in lanselvillard
 above bonneval
 lac de cenis
turin italia

lunch today so good_ carrots, sausage, salad, melon, ice cream, bread french cheese and wine haha jk wine for everyone else
so, to my surprise there are a lot of people weve met that know nothing about the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. they assume the funniest stuff about mormons, but they are usually genuinely interested and listen closely. but its hard sharing the message with them starting from scratch like the first thing i said we are christians. they also wanted to know then how we were different from other christians, catholics in particular. I told them it was our belief in God, Christ and the Holy Spirit as seperate beings. I mentioned the book of mormon as well, which is such a big part! I wish I could have explained fully, in an environment that I could teach more about doctrine, but half the conversation was explaining that not all mormons live in utah haha we really do need missionaries! but it was so cool to be able to tell her that mormons live every around the world, and that different cultures, languages and people exist within the church; Its also so cool to have things that set our church apart. I was also wearing my YW medallion so I could show her the temple. I love the church and everything about it, im so thankful to have it in my life and the blessings it gives me daily im reading general conference talks and its been such a huge blessing! i miss going to church every sunday but the light and truth can be felt anywhere more on this later when i can type a coherent thought haha au revoir


  1. Sounds like your mission is going to be just the thing. You'll love being able to share the gospel with people. T minus one year or less! I'm so happy you and Ruby are having these experiences in France and wherever else you end up!


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