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On the walk home

One of my very favorite times of the week is when I walk home from Institute on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Institute is always amazingly spiritual, uplifting and inspiring. I receive so much revelation walking home because I am in tune with the spirit and feel sincerely desirous to be better. Today as I was walking home, I just felt peace. I looked at the mountains and was literally in awe. They were beyond gorgeous, almost beyond words or description. I felt God's love and power and reality. Orem is surrounded by mountains and they all looked different, unique in their colors and texture, but equally magnificent. I felt so grateful to be going to school here, and to be able to see the mountains. Describing those mountains to a blind person would be nearly impossible. I think that's how God feels about our divine destiny and potential. We cannot even imagine or comprehend something so grand.
Another revelation from today: Heavenly Father created us to be dependent on one another. We are ALL dependent on Christ and his Atonement. We are dependent on Him for our eternal salvation. Adam needed Eve; they were dependent on each other. We are dependent on our parents to nurture, teach and provide for us. We are dependent on spouses to fulfill saving ordinances and become more selfless and Christ-like. We are dependent on the Prophet to counsel and guide and warn. We are dependent on friends to listen and support.
Heavenly Father wants us to be humble and He wants us to ALL return to Him. The most sacred unit is the family. He wants us help one another. To clothe, feed, comfort, empathize, serve and love one another. It is the surest way to become like God and to fulfill the perfect potential He sees for us.


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