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Prayers for Paris

Someone responded to the #prayforparis by saying this "Friends from around the world, thank you for #prayforparis, but we don't need more religion! Our faith goes to music! Kisses! Life! Champagne and Joy! #parisisaboutlife"

I thought a lot about this. France is a place I am thankful to say I am a little familiar with. I've spent weeks there, have French friends, love the food, know a lot of the artists, seen the cathedrals and artwork and have even grasped a bit of French. I have stayed in Paris for seven days, wondering the streets daily with my little sister and Spanish friend. I am not French, let alone Parisian, but the city still has a place in my heart. 
Religion is not something you turn to when you are weak, rather, it is the only thing that makes you truly strong. I cannot imagine not having a knowledge of the gospel and relationship with God, especially in a life-threatening event. Of course I believe in life and joy and music (and probably kisses, I'll let you know when I have my first one;))...maybe not champagne, but I will substitute that with chocolate or sparkling cider. 
But I also have faith in God. A god that has created this world, created me, blessed me, listened to me, answered me, loves me. 

I don't think of God as an aspect of my life. He is the one who gave me life! And I truly believe that really living life to the fullest comes from knowing what life is about. Knowing your purpose, and knowing what is beyond mortal death. Life is amazing and we are here to experience joy. Pure joy doesn't come from champagne or living a perfectly Parisian life. Heavenly Father (God) loves ALL of us. Individually. Equally. Eternally. Unconditionally. Constantly. Deeply. Fully.

Our culture is a big part of who we are, and God loves uniqueness. He created us all to be that way! But the most important part of who we are, is the eternal part: the reality of us all being sons and daughters of God. That is who we are.
The first time I went to Paris, in 9th grade, and fell in love

Paris is a city that to me, solidifies God's love and existence. I don't think the people would spend hundreds of years, tons of money, resources and labor to build a cathedral if they did not believe in God. The artwork wouldn't exist without divine inspiration. God lives.
I hope that the people of Paris are safe. I hope they turn to prayer, and that they are humbled and that the missionaries there can teach the people about the truth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


  1. Thank you for this testimony, Golda. I was of course heartbroken at the tragedy in Paris, but I was especially sad at the editorial cartoon denouncing the need for religion. I know many people will use the attacks to support that God doesn't exist; after all, they may say, how could a loving God let this happen? I don't fully understand, but I choose to put my faith in Heavenly Father as I continue to pray for the French people to feel an outpouring of love in their recovery ... and that someday they will be able to attribute that peace to Him.


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