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Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is by far my favorite day of the year. The anticipation, excitement, traditions and feeling is just so wonderful, even magical.
For the FIRST time in my life, ever, I went to the gym. Ruby, Em and Amy and I went to the body pump class at Sportsplex which was hard and very cardio-y. Then Em and Amy showed us the wonders of the gym. Like, the thing that dangles you upside down, cool pull up bars, and a machine that works your inner thighs (great for dancers). I felt so rejuvenated and ready for the day! Plus, I didn't get hungry until 4 later that day!
Maybe I'll go to the gym more than once in 2016  ;)
Then Free, my dad, Ruby and I went to the final Hunger Games. Woah-it was intense! I liked it and thought it was well-done. My dad noted that it was a little depressing, which it was, but I had read the book and was excited to see the film adaptation. I hated the book so I thought they did a good job salvaging the good parts and making Katniss more of a participating character. Plus, it really made me think! Themes of war, politics, what is humane, justice, family, quality of life, and sacrifice were all in it.
Then we went to the Dopps' for Christmas Eve dinner and gift opening!! My grandpa gave a heartfelt little speech before blessing the food. He talked about how thankful he was for the family and the blessing of the gospel in our lives. He said when he imagined his and my grandma's life and family together as an engaged couple, he couldn't have pictured a more perfect ending. Then he mentioned how I wouldn't be here next Christmas because I would be on a mission and of course I teared up quite a bit.  Ruby teased that they'd need to sedate my dad after dropping me off at the MTC hahaha He's a crier
And since Ruby's mission might overlap by a few days or weeks with mine, we won't be all together for awhile! And who knows I could be married by the time Ruby gets home! So this Christmas might be the last one of this era-lots of changes ahead.

Dinner was delicious!! I will be day-dreaming about it in my dorm next week all day.
After stuffing ourselves and laughing over cups of Slush, we headed downstairs. Downstairs was overflowing with beautifully wrapped presents and giggly cousins. After playing the 3rd annual Mrs. Wright game (you know the one, pass the present to the right or left while a narration is read) the older kids handed out presents. There must have been hundreds, each neatly wrapped, with a hand-written label indicating who it belonged to. My grandparents prepare all year for Christmas Eve. I got cute snugly pajamas, an incredibly soft blanket, and a jacket. I can't wait to use my soft blanket in my dorm and be comforted the memories and warmth it brings.
Having unwrapped all her goodies, Tizzy said "That was thoughtful of grandma." She is wise and adorable beyond years!
Leaving with some decadent Christmas treats from grandma, we drove to the Kings' to read the story of Christ's birth by the fire and relax.
All too soon, Christmas Eve was almost over and everyone went to bed. I stayed up writing in my Christmas journal. The journal was my mom's when she was 14 and is reserved for entries written on December 24th and 25th only.

And the next day, Santa.....


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