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Why I Am Choosing To Serve A Mission

Although this is very difficult to articulate, dare I even say impossible, I am going to try!
I am choosing to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I will serve for eighteen months. I do not choose where I spend those eighteen months, or even in what language I will speak during that time.
I will take a break from school, from my dancing and leave my family.

It is a sacrifice.
It is a sacrifice I am willing to make because I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that Jesus Christ lived and died for me so that I can repent, learn to love fully, and become like him. To become better and to learn during my lifetime. I know that he died for every one. I know that he knows each of us, individually, and wants us to be happy. Heavenly Father also loves and knows each of us. He has guided and directed me numerous times, in ways that cannot be explained without fully recognizing His divine hand. The relationships, experiences, trials, and blessings I have had are not mere coincidences. I know that he is aware of me and wants to direct my life, to ultimately lead me to my eternal potential and perfect happiness.

I am the happiest when I am serving people. I am happiest when I am learning and coming to understand truth. I know that the Holy Ghost has witnessed to me the truth of the gospel. It is a witness that is more powerful than anything else in the world. It is a feeling and reassurance that gives me a peace and a strong feeling of love. But it is not just a feeling, it is a testament of truth. It is a way of coming to know and gain faith in something much larger than myself. It is something that extends beyond my own understanding, my own desires, my own expectations. It extends to everyone that has, is, or will live on this earth, and it extends into the eternities. It is a knowledge that I cannot deny and one that has become a part of who I am.
I want others to be able to feel this joy that comes from the gospel and to truly understand and know their Heavenly Father and their Savior.
 I am aware that this church requires a lot of faith. I know that faith is not given. I know that faith is acquired and constantly strengthened. But it is not blind. It is sustained. It is beautiful. It is important and it is enough. God will work with even the hope of having faith. My faith is in God, a being that created the heavens and the earth. That created you, and me. My faith is in He who loves me, and shows me daily- hourly- constantly. My faith is strong. I am not perfect, I am weak, I do not know everything, I make mistakes (like, all the time). But my faith is growing and my faith is grounded. It is grounded in Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.
I am going into this new chapter not knowing what to expect, but what I do know is that my Savior lives, and that is enough. It will always be enough.


  1. I dare say you articulated that beautifully! Thank you for sharing your testimony, especially for the reminder that Heavenly Father shows his love constantly. When I get discouraged thinking I don't feel it, I need to consider that it's not a problem on His end, rather on mine, the receiving end, and I must renew my faith and clear cobwebs of doubt that run interference. I am very excited for your mission!

  2. Whoa! Don't know how that went twice. :0

  3. That's the most beautiful passage I've ever read!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Golda, I am so proud of you! You are so beautiful inside and out! and a good writer. Hayley has had such a great experience so far. I am sure she will have some pointers for you. It is an incredible opportunity for growth. Love you, Jana D.


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