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At The Car Wash

Registering my car has been quite the ordeal. I have class until 5 every day and rehearsals Tuesday and Thursday, so finding a time has not been easy. One of my rehearsals was canceled today, so I drove to an auto-mechanic to update my registration. I knew I could get Safety and Emissions done, but thought they could also register my car. Nope! I have to go to the DMV. Then my car was failed, not because of the fact that the rear-view mirror is cracked (I bumped it in my apartment garage on a pillar-not my finest moment) but because there is a smaller circular mirror in the corner of it. It seemed like a tiny adjustment to me and couldn't believe they couldn't repair it right then at the mechanic! But it's fine-plus the owner gave me a free car-wash! Not just any car wash, "The BEST Carwash". It was $9.
So I pull into the car-wash and jets start spraying all over and I can't see through the window from all the soapy water. And I'm like this is so cool! I felt like a little kid. So, naturally I start filming it on my phone. Like the adult I am.
THEN- the side jets came squirting down the driver's side of my car. And...water gushes in!! My driver's window doesn't role down, but the auto guy told me he'd pass it since it's rolled up. Apparently, it is not rolled completely up, because water was seeping in, spraying me, the controls on the interior door, and my phone. I did not know what to do and assumed driving out, with bubbly windows and jets moving around, was probably not the wisest decision. I was laughing and trying to find something to hold up to the window. The jets came around again and I was shouting Nooooo!
I think they came a third time. By that point I was just laughing at my own stupidity and general lack of common sense. I think I am a pretty sound person, except when it comes to anything car related. I am a huge idiot.
So that was my adventure for the day. Now I have to go to a car place (I don't know what they're called) and have my friend Tim help me put on the mirror, then go to the DMV. Which may never happen because I have school during their hours.
But at least my car is clean.


  1. Clean inside and out! Ha ha! Remember Coco at the car wash when her glasses got all soaped up? 😂😂😂😂


  3. oh my that must have been crazy!


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