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Another I Am From Poem

I Am From 769 East Oxford Drive

I am from the nice china my parents got at their wedding,
I am from the big wooden dinner table and original paintings on the wall.

I am from the creaky swing set, the left-out bicycles
And the flowerbed of sunflowers, as busy as New York City with the buzzing bees and jittery grasshoppers.

I am from the Varney’s golden marigolds, the Steed’s nostalgic bench
And the Weir’s two red lawn chairs.

From the middle names Christine, Kristine and Cristine.
The Robisons, Hills and DeBrys.
From the woman whom I’m a namesake for; Golda Jane Burton King.

I am from the “It’s just growing pains.”
And the “ ‘Et’s be goo!”, and the “Get in the car!”

I am from the crockpot, the chocolate-chip cookies,
the Christmas treats and the Cafe Rio salad.

I am from affable family gatherings,
Gelastic dawns and active after-school action.

I am from the vibrant callings of the orange wall in the kitchen
And the bowl of grainy seashells and salty sea glass on the back deck.
From the slightly sapphire front door and the hearty smell of soup
That greets you when you walk through it.

I keep my childhood memories in a happy, colorful place
In the back of my mind.
And in a large tupperware in the laundry room
That is filled to the brim with pictures, souvenirs,
Programs, and certificates and things that remind me where I’m from.
The laughs, jokes, lessons learned, and love felt
However can only be stored in the jubilant alcove of my soul.

Copyright Golda Dopp


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