Graduation. Am I ready? Of course not. Was I ready for Junior High or High School? No. Or maybe I just thought I wasn't. Because it always ended up fine. So much has happened in my years of public education. I learned to read, was on Student Council, learned Shakespeare, sang Shoes in the Fourth Grade Program, was in Symphonic Band as a "sevie", was a Student Body Officer freshman year, marched in the 2013 Rose Parade, spent two awesome years on Dance Company (one with my best friend Ruby), choreographed for Winter and Spring Concert, went to dances, spent hours and hours on homework, studied my brains out, tackled really really hard classes, danced in The Nutcracker ten times, auditioned for whatever I could, threw parties whenever I could, wrote hundreds of essays, traveled with my family, imagined my future, admired my parents, went to Europe three times, set goals, got my license, got three new siblings since Kindergarten, got my first pair of pointe shoes, went...