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Showing posts from June, 2015

Adventure is out there is my eighteenth birthday. I am officially an adult. I am currently in Chicago, standing in line for a ticket agent because the flight to new York that's connecting us to Copenhagen is canceled. So, that's bad. Really bad. I hope it works out. But what better way to spend the first few hours of adulthood embarking on a 6 week European journey and navigating airports and complicated flights? ! Life is so  exciting

My List of Things I Need to Read Before I Die

Les Miserables Don Quixote The Grapes of Wrath Macbeth Frankenstein Gone with the Wind Great Gatsby The Catcher in the Rye Ulysses Great Expectations Anna Karenina Life of Pi Heart of Darkness Hamlet The Count of Monte Cristo Slaughterhouse-Five Things Fall Apart To Kill A Mockingbird The Help The Secret Garden Mao's Last Dancer The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Moby Dick
Graduation. Am I ready? Of course not. Was I ready for Junior High or High School? No. Or maybe I just thought I wasn't. Because it always ended up fine. So much has happened in my years of public education. I learned to read, was on Student Council, learned Shakespeare, sang Shoes in the Fourth Grade Program, was in Symphonic Band as a "sevie", was a Student Body Officer freshman year, marched in the 2013 Rose Parade, spent two awesome years on Dance Company (one with my best friend Ruby), choreographed for Winter and Spring Concert, went to dances, spent hours and hours on homework, studied my brains out, tackled really really hard classes, danced in The Nutcracker ten times, auditioned for whatever I could, threw parties whenever I could, wrote hundreds of essays, traveled with my family, imagined my future, admired my parents, went to Europe three times, set goals, got my license, got three new siblings since Kindergarten, got my first pair of pointe shoes, went...

**Finding Nemo Voice: "Last day of school, last day of school!"

Oh yeah

So... Amy, Em, Ruby, Emily and I decided that throwing cupcakes at a garage (We threw a cupcake party...literally) would be a good way to celebrate school nearing the end (this was after Soire, a few weeks ago) and get out some pent up anger/tiredness/exasperation. It was a smashing success (pun intended ;)) It was so fun. I threw to Dateless Davis, and my math class from last semester (which Em and I both got As in-HALLELUJAH Also, on Monday, we had a mini color fest at DHS and I got soooooo dirty and colorful. So that's that. Don't you love the randomness of Senior year? :)

Senior Cotillion

Was an absolute blast!! It was kinda nice not having to keep track or worry about your date, it was just the seniors and the setting was nice and different. We had it at Weber State in the same area Dance Company had been judged at during State. The DJ was great and the photo